Like metals, thermoplastic materials can be welded utilizing any of several different techniques. Properly welded plastic results in the joined pieces fused at the molecular level creating a joint that is stronger than the base material. Chicago Plastic Systems is recognized as the premier provider of custom plastic welding services in the U.S. Depending on the product, we utilize many different plastic welding techniques such as hot gas welding, extrusion welding CNC butt welding, hot plate welding, infrared pipe welding and more.
Hot air welding utilizes clean hot air to preheat the material and welding rod, while pressure is applied to the weld area as the rod is guided. The welding rod must be the same material as the parts being joined. To make a high-quality weld, we closely control the temperature and pressure of the air through the welding torch.
For a larger product or with heavier gauge materials, we add an extrusion weld over the first hot air weld often referred to as the root weld. In extrusion welding, the welding rod is fed into the welder and heater to its melting point and then forced out by a screw device. The freshly extruded rod is forced into the joint at high pressure as the fabricator moves the welder along the seam. The end result is a wide fillet type weld that is very strong, demonstrating the quality of our custom plastic welding services.
Nothing demonstrates technical detail knowledge, fabrication expertise and problem-solving abilities better than real-world examples. Our case studies show how we helped to overcome the toughest challenges and manufactured high-performing, long-lasting custom plastic components and assemblies for clients.
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