Industrial processes sometimes create waste products that need to be treated prior to disposal by chemical addition, precipitation, neutralization or other means. A modular approach to the treatment process is to use a skid based system that is pre engineered and delivered to the plant ready to use. For over 25 years, customers have relied on Chicago Plastic Systems’ support to provide expert fabrication of waste treatment skids for industries like semiconductor, metal finishing, food manufacturing and others.
We build waste treatment skids built to your criteria as well as help with design. Skids can be built out of steel, fiberglass, HDPE, stainless, and more and can accommodate pumps, filters, and instrumentation to suit your needs. Some of the pipe materials our experienced personnel use to fabricate these skids are PVC, CPV, Polypro and many more. We can build your skid to fit your application. Sizes range from less than 4’ x 8’ to large 10’ x 25’ skids. Find out how Chicago Plastic Systems help with your next waste treatment skid.
Nothing demonstrates technical detail knowledge, fabrication expertise and problem-solving abilities better than real-world examples. The case studies at left illustrate how Chicago Plastic Systems helped to overcome the toughest challenges and manufactured high-performing, long-lasting custom plastic components and assemblies for clients. For additional information, give us a call.
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